Friday, 31 August 2012
What Makes a Man Sexy to a Woman
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Fat People Don't Get Fat
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
A woman's beauty
By Michael Casey
A woman’s beauty has many seasons too, the first smile that floors any man, the kind word that heals any hurt, the tears that break any heart. The touch that offers sympathy, the consoling hug. The softness that brings hope to all of us. Softness is strength. All kinds of graces that are like pearls throw before swine, swine being men in the main.
A woman loves from her heart, a man tends to love from his loins until he is educated by the love of a good woman. Women don’t battle and try to win all the time, tender words are given to children, and men are just children who pretend they are all grown up. Words and curses are used and it’s the women who are the peacemakers, when all the wars are over its women who are left to bring the family together.
Family is woman, the home the hearth is woman, men are out working and the mother glues the family together while the men are at work. Times changed but still its mum and the kids, they are the family, dad is out working up to 16hours a day, at least my dad was. When dad is off work for the weekend then the family is full and complete, laughter rings out and when the ice cream van is heard in the street dad sends us out to get some ice creams. TV shows are watched together, kids snuggle up to dad to rest their head on his fat belly, dad’s Winnie The Pooh like belly.
As kids it’s the mother who teaches the children their first prayers, it’s the mother who spread the Faith, but why is it that only men are the priests? A mother encourages and sooths, a dad gives the pocket money out at the weekend so you can go to the Grove Cinema. On a Sunday there is cake and tea, dad goes to the pub and comes home with cheese and onion crisps in his pockets. Warm memories, memories that make up Family, then one Saturday night in May , mum is gone. Mum is dead, the priest comes to the house in the early hours returning with brother and sister, dad cries it finally hits him, his wife of nearly 50years is gone. Dad said mom had all the Graces, “She was as strong as a horse” which is high praise coming from a blacksmith.
My dad was a blacksmith, I am a wordsmith
You can now buy my 5 books on Amazon Kindle, USA, UK or Germany and France too
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker (c)
Essays and Plays (c)
MichaelCasey'sBlogs2011 (c)
Shoplife (c)
300 and Not OUT (c) is my new collection of stories/blogs now on Amazon Kindle
Shopping Trip© by Michael Casey
We joined Costco today, you have it over there in USA I believe. We had our photos taken for the ID cards, I looked fat and silly.My wife looked fine, just fine. The store was very big, its near where we bought our Toyota a few years ago. Though the Toyota dealership is closed now. As we toured Costco we looked at the savings we could get. 1/2 price on some items.Though you'd have to be running a dinner or a small hotel to really buy the bulk items. If you buy once every couple of months then you can stock up. Toilet paper and deoderants, fresh orange juice from concentrate. Hugh big cakes not to mention whole sides of pig chopped into slices of bacon in hugh economy packs. If you ran a snack bar the perfect size for your business.Pepsi and Cola galore. I think we will enjoy our new shopping experience. A big beef hotdog with onions and a soda plus refill got about 2.5dollars, a bargain.
Now what does this say about me? I'm normal, I'm average, I like a bargain, as does the whole world, especially in these sad and bad economic times.
Now what if God was out shopping, would he buy the giant economy packs?Would he chose people to be his friends if they used the right soap and the nicest deodorant. Would he like people wearing the nicest clothes the latest fashions, would he prefer Chinese people or Black people,would he like the Irish instead of the Jews,would he like hot countries and vibarnt people such as Brazilians at Mardi Gras. Would God like Gucci clad people. Would God like people whoshop at Costco, or would he only like those who shop at Tiffanys.
Luckily I know my God.He's not upset if I have toothpaste stuck to my jumper, even if once it was a cashmere jumper. He doesn't care if there's too much stubble on my chin and if my hair's not combed and there's a stain on my trousers where I spilt my coffee and then dropped my pizza too. Makes me sound like a bit of a tramp. I'm not always perfect, far from perfect BUT I do know that my God does love and accept me, even on my slobby not going to work days. Yes I may go shopping for bargains and the store does accept all major credit cards. But luckily my Lord accepts the fools, the beggars, the thieves, the dirty the smelly, the very badly dressed and those with no fashion sense and those who think they DO have the best clothes of all. For to the Lord we All are like the Emporer and his New Clothes, we are all naked before him just as Adam and Eve were in the beginning, and luckily for us he accepts us just the way we are.
Remember that next time you are out shopping.
**my 5 books are on Amazon Kindle &
Monday, 13 August 2012
Interviewing Somebody
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
By Michael Casey
I don’t know about you but I find BBC4 has some really good stuff on it. Today I was catching up on a programme about colour in Art, then tonight I caught the final episode which was really interesting. We all have a favourite colour, mine is blue, not too blue but blue enough, and then there is the Virgin Mary blue that you see on statues of Mary in church. The show on tv explained how the Church wanted to keep a monopoly on the colour, and in fact how only She should be coloured in that blue. So it was heresy for Mary not to be painted in the right colour so to speak. This is the European tradition, for Faiths all over the world I imagine there are and still are rules and so forth, so I’ll stick to Europe.
I’ve always liked paintings, I saved up and bought a few for my walls many years ago before I was married, you know when you don’t have to think about children’s shoes and so forth, now you think about the colours of the shoes at your daughter’s school and not about paintings for your wall, though both my daughters are artists. Colours are Life, they really are, we have the beauty of girls all over the world and the traditions of hair and the colour of clothing, to be honest a girl’s smile and eyes are the most important thing in my opinion. Girls being girls like or should I say adore a bit of colour, it really does control men, if you like colour is the bait that gets a girl noticed and a man hooked. Yes I know that sentence may annoy some, but you can write your own essay and let people judge your writing. Colour is soft, colour is cold, colour is warm, it is matched and mixed, and when every aspect of colour comes together it stops the show. How do I know this? I have a Shanghai wife and two daughters, they have taught me! However for me its just the eyes and smile which I look for.
In the tv show it talked about artists’ ideas and beliefs, their feelings are so intense, a factor of 100000 compared to you and me, Don McClean’s Starry Starry Night explains a lot, even Dr Who when he met Van Gogh, colour means so much. We can hate a colour for many reasons, it may have been your school uniform or your work uniform. I wear rugby shirts a lot, so bright orange with a polo scene on my Polo is my favourite, I can wear office wear when I have to, but otherwise its big brash colours for me, on my site and on Facebook you can see my use or abuse of colours.
On the show they talked about architecture and the use of scale and colour, why do dictators like themselves so much, North Korea has giant statues, Fascists had statues galore and giant imposing buildings to match their egos. To me its like the Emperors New Clothes, we the people should laugh at those kind of people, their worth and intellect is in inverse proportion to their monuments. In North Korea the new boss’s wife has her fancy handbag worth 1 year’s salary compared to the average person in that country. Laughter should be used to bring those people down.
Banksy leaves graffiti all over the place making a statement about stuff, perhaps he should do a tour of all these totalitarian places and draw moustaches and chads all over the loved leaders posters. The trouble with leaders is that they see things in black and white, colours are forbidden.
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Food and Panda
European Security Meeting, or Johnny no Friends
Johnny No Friends by michaelgcasey Posted by michaelgcasey 28/01/2023 Posted in Uncategorized Johnny No Friends © By Michael Casey Peter had...

The Perils of Job Hunting © By Michael Casey So Christmas is over and you start to think how much you hate your boss, sure you e...
A French Peak last night so thank you, but why My small daughter sat in the corner next to me is doing French and 2 of the family are/were ...