Thursday, 31 December 2020

Let there be Light


Thursday, 31 December 2020

Let There be Light


Let There Be Light ©


By Michael Casey



Let my tears be my words


Let the candle light be my eyes


Let the flowers in bloom be my lips


Let their scent be my blood


Let the wind be my breath


Let clouds be my mood


Let children’s laughter be my hope


Let widows’ sighs be my conscience


Let a stranger’s prayers be my delight


Let the bees be my wisdom


Let the trees be my strength


Let my patience reach to the stars


Let me be always remembered in your prayers


Wednesday, 30 December 2020

The last cheer for 2020


The Last Cheer for 2020

The Last Cheer for 2020 ©

By Michael Casey

Is he mad I can hear you all call

2020 was the worst year of all

Well for me too, as opposed to Me Too

It was a bad year, even without Covid 19

One sister died, though if ever you read

Shoplife, she is the Born Again shopworker, so she’ll live on

And my body has got weaker

In a few days time it’s 6  years since my unplanned

Quadruple Heart Bypass

The nurse, and just the nurse at my former GP Practice

She saved my life, as she insisted on sending me for tests

So when I went into hospital, I said have you checked my tests

70% 70% and 50% blocked, I’d gone in with major hip pains

My arthritis gone mad, and the family were in London

Meeting Shanghai relatives, so I was all home alone

The rest you all already know

So that’s why you’ve had six more years of my rubbish

Though Totoro our cat arrived too, as I had said they could

Have a dog if I died or a cat if ever I had a heart attack

Yes really, so be careful what you promise

But back to 2020 we’ve all had a rubbish year the world over

But what have we learnt or discovered?

Well folks still voted for Trump

Maybe because they wanted to stick with the Devil they knew

And avoid any ISMs

History will decide, and History is written by the winners

If we all just stayed home for 3 weeks, then Covid 19 would die

Instead we must all Mask, Wash Hands, and Stay Apart

I’ve been hiding up on our hill, and with my arthritis very distanced from all

So what is the Meaning of Life, and no not Monty Python

What is the thing you treasure

Is it free deliveries of all your stuff on the Internet

Is it Bubble Tea? Which is now Trendy.

Though being in a Shanghai/Birmingham household we were years ahead

Is it food galore?

My Muslim delivery drivers must think I’m Mulla

Wishing them As-Salaam-Alaikum as they deliver our stuff

In Birmingham delivery drivers and taxis are very Muslim

So they risk Covid as they drive and deliver

What else can  I say about  2020

Yes the tv, was great, everybody binge watched and there were

Some really really great shows

I could list mine, but I also watch a ton of Korean shows, Kdrama

So I would say, have a look at Korean shows, you will not be disappointed

Also if you listen to Music constantly then invest in a Smart speaker or two

I could name the best, and you’d be surprized, but to each their ears alone

You can get Bluetooth headphones too, which can work off your phone

So technology is really good to keep us all sane in these maddening time

A cheap and cheerful android phone, can keep families alive

And yes Jeff Bezo has got busier, but one day he’ll deliver pizza to my house

That’ll put the fear of God into him, but Taylor Swift who dusts for me will

Be here, to take the pizza from him, so she may sing a ditty for him

What else, yes going to church became an Internet thing, so I’d review Mass

And send an email or two  to priests, obvious Saint Judes is my favourite

Though I do travel all over the place for Mass

I don’t know do other Faiths do the same thing

But I’ll accept prayers from Anybody, as we all should

We all prayed for tv stars who were sick, I prayed for

Kate Garraway’s husband, because I saw a photo on the news

And they looked so much in love, I had never heard of them because

I do not watch daytime TV, it was a news item that invoked my prayers

So what else can I talk about, maybe Tinnitus does all the talking

My own has been terrible in the night, but I rediscovered the Rosary

So has the roar of the sea in my ears at night made my more prayerful

God, alone knows the answer to that

I think I always knew what real values were

I made provisions just in case Covid got me

The real things that matter really are so simple

The goodnight kiss from my small daughter  before she goes to bed

That is priceless, so when Politicians roar and swear and lie to us

Just remember that soft gentle kiss

Even if she says dad you  need a wash and shave

The simple love of a child, as she evolves into a woman

That is what I’ll remember most from 2020

And it is the only thing worth remembering

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Forget Harry and Meg's Podcasts, listen to 208 of my Audio Stories for FREE

Forget Harry and Megs Podcasts, listen to 208 of my Audio Stories

Forget Harry and Megs Podcasts, listen to 208 of my Audio Stories

I just finished watching another episode of The Good Detective Kdrama

and I was about to write/talk about Deep Flakes but

I think 12 hours of Me might be better than Harry and Megan and mine are FREE

so follow your nose:-

last load of audio 177 to 207 and I finish needing a drink

177.Peace Corps

178.Fashionistas strike again

179.From Lenny Bruce to Innuendo


181.Cooling Off

182.Waiting In

183.Move On

184.Sherlock Plays Badminton

185.7 year’s Old Prom

186.A quiet night In

187.Sampling Pop

188.Cross Dressing

189.Don’t Wine its only Wine

190.When and If I win the Lottery

191.Interviewing somebody

192.Healthy Wealthy and Wise

193.A child’s eye view

194.Why do men think they are perfect

195.Children are not ready for school at 5

196.Easy Listening

197.My Last Wishes

198.Government Dating Agency

199.Metaphor this

200.To Touch a Bearing Heart

201.Look at me I’m a Nobody

202.Space Galore

203.At the Bus Stop

204.Things to do Before I die Part 1

205.Paris inBirmingham

206.UTube are you ready

207.Gagging for a drink

TFAB Chapter2 old people’s home

f I had a legal secretary I could sit and dictate the sequel to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

TFAB Chapter2 old people’s home

as it is I’ll probably never finish the book, not unless I get the help of God  and two Policemen

still more audio:- 151 to 176

151.The Secret Prayer Society

152.What If

153.Christmas 2011

154.What is Poetry

155.From Short Wave Radio to Facebook

156.Talking to an Audience

157.Writing in my head

158.Facebook Data Mines

159.Facing Facebook


161.Why are writers and poets so precious.mp3

162.Padre Pio and Me

163.Degree Madness

164.Returning to the Blog

165.Grammar or Style

166.Just Say No to Warren Buffet

167.Red Carpet

168.Inner Laughter

169.Resignation Pantomime

170.Turning Back the Clock

171.Star Trek

172. The Sky at Night

173. Burglar in Reverse

174.Rediscovering John Denver.mp3

175.Wood or Metal

176.How do you know you are not fat

even more audio:131 to 150

131.All things bright and beautiful

132.Pain Fear and God

133.Swimming Baths and Painting Eggs

134.Judging a book by its cover

135.Oxbridge and still cannot write an essay

136.Alistaire Alcohol and Me

137.Spring Family

138.To be a writer or to be a Preacher

139.Today’s Blog Is 1422012

140.Charles Dickens Xmas and all that

141 Tree Story (full)



144.LinkedIN Idea

145.Chinese mother I live that life

146.Ten Years Ago

147.Simon and Garfunkle

148.Hello World

149.Creative Writing Group on Daily Telegraph

150.Through my Letter Box

still more audio:- 116 to 130

116 One Dimensional

117.Growing Up for Dads

118.Look in the mirror and what do you see

119.from Bedowrth to Bookshelf and beyond

120.Ad Skipper Life Skipper

121.pens and penmanship

122.Alternative swearing

123.Bring Back Barter


125.A rainy Saturday

126.Santa is stuck up the chimney

127.I want to be a radio star a love story


129.Data Mining

130.Internet Window Shoping

even more audio:- 96 to 115

96.Tempus Fugit

97.What If

98.Traffic and Bubble Bath

99.Extended Christmas

100.I hate Junk emails

101.Horror Stories and other stuff

102.How to bribe the kids while wife at dentist

103.The first Christmas Card

104.Pub to Bus Wisdom


106.Food and Panda

107.And the gold goes to


109.Saturday with the girls



112.From a father to a daughter


114.Nov 11th Remembered

115.Crockery or Cups and Saucers to you and me

more audio:- 81 to 95

81.Advertising Style

82.What makes me smile

83.Down my Street turn left

84.Food for thougtht think as you watch tv

85.Education reach for the stars

86.My stories my babies

87.Die Hard 4.0 or how to use your talents

88.Shakespeare in Love and other thoughts

89.If I were a fashion writer

90 seconds with Michael

91.whats under your bed

92.Wrapping Paper

93.The white door

94.Where do the tears go when they are shed

95.Pink Floyd Music and Me

more audio:- 66 to 80

66.Telephone Interviews

67.As these Tears Fall

68.The Light from a Candle

69.Having a Heat Wave

70.The Watch and Me

71.As I look out my window

72.The Library

73.If I were a rich man

74.Cake and Poison

75.My love of Radio

76.Why do you blog

77.Valentine Poem

78.The Trouble with Technology

79.My wife the house painter

80.From Shanghai to Birmingham6 Nov 2018 15:45:50 |

 BooksCurrent AffairsFilmFood and DrinkGameshumor,

more audio:- 51 to 65

51.It’s got to be Winnie the Pooh

52.The best years of your life

53.SO hypnotise me.mp3

54. Rice and Pizza

55.Home is where the heart is.mp3

56.Weather Forecast.mp3

57.Call Centres Calling

58.Go to sleep with the Japanese

59.My Old Age

60.My favourite sweets

61.Praise and Reward

62..A Child’s Love

63.Spare a Penny for Dad

64.Singing Songs

65.Butcher Baker Undertaker

 well I hope you are all enjoying these, in Nigeria or Russia or Denmark or anywhere.

more audio:- 41 to 50

41.Bycycle removal service

42.What is Prayer.mp3

43.Free software

44.We are having a baby

45. Learning to read aloud

46.I love my neighbour’s house

47.Target Thinking

48.where do tears do when they are shed

49.No Sat Nav Required

50.Read my Mind

more audio:- 31 to 40

31.Let there be light

32.The Dead and The Living

33.Presenting Story

34.A Life in a bag

35.My arm chair

36.Which way do you look

37.A winters day

38.My Atheist Friend

39.Words are for what.mp3

40.Cobwebs of Love

more audio:- 20 to 30

20.Kissing Goodbye

21.Its All in the Stars

22.Sock Test

23.Sheepdog Microphone Cover

24..Dreams of watches


26.Stuffing Tony

27.Crawling Like a worm in the dirt

30.Writer’s Block

More Audio 11 to 19 and yes this i s my voice, I got a new microphone later on, everytghing in one take

11.Dreaming of my own Bathroom

12.We are Words poem

13.If Music be the food of Love

14.Bring on the tears

15.If you go down to the woods today

16.From Fireworks to the grave

17.Locked out of Facebook

18.Silly Song

19.Singing Sisters

me holding my life saver Movelat pain killer gel


0.Introduction to Michael Casey

1.Window Shopping

2.Internet Story

3.I know your face

4.Explaining stories



7.Microwaved food

8.Do your best


10.Counting Money3 Nov 2018 00:23:04 | BooksCurrent AffairsFilmFood and DrinkGameshumorMusicReligionScienceSportsTelevisionTravelWeb/TechWeblogs

I hope you all enjoy all this, with my posh Birmingham accent, too much listening to Radio4 years ago, and having Kerry Irish mom means I do not have a traditional Birmingham or Black Country accent.

So enjoy and send a postcard to Harry and Megs they should read my 1st book first

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

I’ve given them enough free publicity already, I was going to post the Deep Flake of Grannie…



European Security Meeting, or Johnny no Friends

Johnny No Friends by michaelgcasey Posted by michaelgcasey 28/01/2023 Posted in Uncategorized Johnny No Friends © By Michael Casey Peter had...