Thursday, 30 December 2021

Mother Russia having a read again

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Mother Russia having a read again

 Mother Russia having a read again

Thank you one and all

This new year, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to ALL men

I checked, because you follow a different Calendar 

Christmas for you has not yet arrived

So forgive my ignorance

Just as in the WEST the average person does not know

40,000,000 souls were lost in Mother Russia

putting  down Nazi filth

USA lost 400,000 in WWII

a ratio of 1 to 100

Which might explain History a bit to them

Moving on to today

Nobody wants to invade Mother Russia

two fools tried, Napoleon and Hitler

So can a make a heart felt plea

Mother Russia turn away from this insanity and posturing

100,000 plus on Ukraines border

For What?

The world need Russian engineering and  durability 

to help save the Planet

Global Warming is true

Just as Corruption in Russia is true

Look at the Fridge not the TV

What does that tell you

Where has all the Russian wealth gone

Billionaires in London

Russia need to look internally 

And root out the thieves

Parading as saviours and pretending to be holy

If Mother Mary Queen of Russia were to appear

If all the icons in all the churches and holy places

and Bank Vaults too  were suddenly

To cry tears of blood what would it say to you

Mother Russia must return  to its roots

Stop the imaginary wars, to keep Politicians in Power

While the corruption continues

What is needed is a Revolution in the Heart

Look to you hearts Mother Russia

Heed the tears of blood falling

It is time to rebuild the country from within

One heart at a time

Renew the heart of Mother Russia

Fill the fridge and switch off nonsense on the tv

One heart at a time rebuild and renew Mother Russia

Nobody wants to attack you

Nobody wants to steal you lands

Use the strength is Mother Russia

for the people of Mother Russia

Use the resources and brains of Mother Russia to rebuild it

Repare mi Casa were words spoken to Saint Francis

Mother Russia needs to look inwardly, and change from within

Or do we have a war by mistake

What For? To destroy?

No wonder tears of blood are falling

from the icons of Virgin of Mary all over Mother Russia

As Mary said, make me an instrument of your Peace

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

An old story A Slice of Life, a Piece of Cake, with Japanese and Korean Translations afterwards

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

An old story A Slice of Life, a Piece of Cake. with Japanese and Korean Translations afterward

My tall brother just paid a visit, so I put him on the scales, I am 3 stones heavier

But I've already started the cut backs, and as I am sleeping a bit better

The extra after hours toasts are out


 Here's an old story I'll put JAPANESE and KOREAN Translations afterwards


















ですから、La Belle Franceは忘れられたポップボトルを許してくれたと思います。ある兄弟はそこで1年間勉強し、その後1年間パリで働きました。バイリンガルという言葉でした。私はパリで自分自身の不幸を経験しました。ファイルが見つかったら、それを自分のWebサイトに追加します。1998年は私にとってとても面白い年だったとしましょう。









한 조각의 삶, 한 조각의 케이크

삶의 한 조각, 한 조각의 케이크 ©

에 의해

마이클 케이시


Elaine Polin 뉴욕 시인은 내가 쓴 것이 인생의 한 조각이라고 나에게 말했습니다. 내가 그녀의 문을 어둡게 한 지 몇 년이 지났지만, 내가 FB에 있을 때 우리는 약간의 재미를 보았지만, 나는 FB나 더 이상 어디에도 없었지만 그녀에게 큰 인사를 전합니다. 그녀는 아마도 지금쯤 나를 잊었을 것입니다.


그래서 나는 무엇을 쓰는가? 나는 단편 소설을 쓰고 있습니다. 수십 년 전에 여성 신부는 그것이 제 특기라고 생각했다는 말을 듣기도 했습니다. 기름기 많은 카페에서 뚱뚱한 요리사처럼 들리게 만듭니다. 케첩과 함께 접시에 심장 마비입니다.


나는 진공 청소기입니다. 당신이 불친절하다면 완전히 공허합니다. 아마도 Kate Bush의 차처럼 가방을 안에 넣어야 할까요? 누가 알아? 나는 완전히 기억하고 있습니까? 내가 잊어 버린 것을 기억할 수는 없지만 내가 할 수 있기를 바라는 것과 할 수없는 것이 있습니다. 기억은 우리가 함께 살아야 하는 것이고, 나쁜 것은, 슬픈 것은 우리 모두가 알고 있듯이 영원히 상처를 줄 수 있습니다. 아빠가 병원에서 엄마를 모으는 동안 불 앞에 홀로 남겨진 53세의 가장 이른 나이입니다. 아버지가 나에게 불을 내버려 두라고 말씀하셨던 것을 기억합니다.


다른 경우에 나는 무슨 일이 있었는지 같은 영화를 기억할 수 있습니다. 가장 자랑스러운 순간은 기차를 타고 루르드로 가족 순례를 갔을 때였습니다. 기차가 멈췄고 돈과 작은 팝 병이 창문을 통해 교환되었습니다. 너무 비싸서 아버지가 8병을 다 돌려주셨어요. 그는 7개만 돌려주었다. 판매자가 마지막 병을 요구하며 기차에 올랐고, 불경스러운 소동이 일어났다. 


기차 전체가 욕설과 저주를 퍼부으며 행상인에게 두 손가락을 내밀었습니다. 우리는 16세에서 3세 사이의 6명의 아이들과 엄마, 아빠였습니다. 우리가 역을 꺼냈을 때 성스러운 소란. 영국의 외침은 월드컵에서 우승할 것입니다. t는 결국 1966년이었습니다. 다른 순례자들이 물을 가지고 와서 블러디 프렌치를 저주했습니다. 한 시간 후 엄마는 자리를 옮기고 쿠션을 부풀렸지만, 사라진 8 번째 매우 비싼 팝 병은 주황색이었습니다. 술에 취해 병이 움직이는 기차 창 밖으로 던졌습니다. 블러디 프렌치. 2년 후, 제 형은 Queen's Oxford에서 프랑스어를 공부하고 있었습니다. 다른 동생은 1975년에 다우닝 케임브리지로 가서 경제학, 아마도 수요와 공급의 법칙을 공부했습니다. 


51년 전의 이야기가 있습니다. 나는 계단통의 벽에서 튕겨져 나갔을 때 삶과의 경주를 기억할 수 있습니다. 3살 된 여동생은 기온이 치솟는데도 아노락을 벗지 않았다. 일주일 내내 그랬다. 20년 후 그녀는 해외에서 그녀의 해에 프랑스에 갔고 모든 속어를 배울 수 있었습니다. 그녀는 언젠가 My Prince Will Come from Snow White도 외웠습니다. 다른 선생님들은 그녀가 아주 작은 마을에서 주말에 무엇을 했는지 놀리고 있었습니다. 그래서 그녀는 돌아서서 그들에게 노래를 불렀고, 스태프 룸은 매우 감동하고 폭소를 터뜨렸습니다. 30년이 지난 지금 그녀는 여전히 영어 선생님과 친구입니다.


그래서 나는 La Belle France가 우리를 잊어버린 팝 병을 용서했다고 생각합니다. 한 형제는 그곳에서 1년 동안 공부한 다음 파리에서 1년 동안 일했습니다. 이중 언어가 단어였습니다. 나는 파리에서 불행한 일을 겪었습니다. 파일을 찾을 수 있다면 내 웹사이트에 추가하겠습니다. 1998년은 저에게 매우 재미있는 해였습니다.


이것은 우리를 진공 청소기로 돌아오게 합니다. 나는 이야기를 좋아하고, 아버지는 우리에게 이야기를 계속해서 들려주곤 했고, 레퍼토리가 제한되어도 나는 그저 그 이야기를 듣고 우리 사이의 사랑을 나만큼 확대했습니다. 그래서 심장마비로 3년 동안 매일 찾아갔고, 러브로 하게 되었고, 동생들도 너무 좋아해서 자주 방문했다. 나는 화요일에 그를 마지막으로 방문한 것을 기억할 수 있습니다. 그리고 4일 후에 그는 아침에 달걀을 더 달라고 요청했고 달걀이 도착했을 때 사망했습니다.


우리의 삶, 우리의 사랑은 우리를 만드는 것, 가족의 접착제이자 모든 가족의 접착제입니다. 그 이야기, 이 사건은 우리를 웃게 하거나, 웃으면서 울게 하거나, 아니면 그냥 울게 만든다. 우리가 울 수 없다면 우리는 사랑을 잊은 것입니다. 엄마가 돌아가신 날 나는 한 번도 울지 않았어, 내 형제들은 모두 그랬지만, 엄마가 울지 말라고 해서 나는 그 말을 따랐다. 나는 우리가 가족과 부서진 아버지 주위에 모였을 때의 모든 일들을 기억할 수 있습니다. 형이 화단을 파던 모습, 어머니의 기쁨을 기억합니다. 나는 Canon이 엄마의 죽음을 발표했을 때 Mrs M의 뒤에 앉아 있었던 것을 기억할 수 있습니다. Mrs M은 너무 충격을 받았고 그녀는 지금 90세가 되어 여전히 살아 있습니다.


기억은 우리를 구하고, 우리를 돕고, 암울한 시기에 보물로 남아 있습니다. 그래서 나는 모든 것을 머릿속에 기록하고 페이지에 내 이야기를 공유합니다. 그래서 나는 마음, 상상력, 영혼을 파괴하는 것들을 싫어합니다. 누군가를 일으켜 세우십시오. 그들을 쓰러뜨리지 마십시오. 그날 밤 라디오에서 연주한 것은 Celine Dion의 You Lift Me Up이었습니다. 우리 가족은 밤새 앉아 그 노래를 들었습니다.


그것이 엄마가 열심히 일하는 가족 생활을 모두 한 일이었고 그녀는 우리 모두를 들어 올렸 습니다. 엄마는 아빠가 말한 모든 은총을 가지고 있었고 그녀는 말처럼 강했고 대장장이, 남편, 아빠로부터 높은 칭찬을 받았습니다. 그래서 지금은 몸이 많이 약해졌는데 내 영혼은 다 어디서 왔는지 궁금하면 답은 부모님, 엄마, 아빠에게 있습니다. 그들은 케리 사람들이었기 때문에 아버지가 말하곤 했던 품종에 속합니다. 그리고 케리는 사랑과 행복, 이야기를 위해 번식합니다. 내가 버밍엄에 있을지라도 케리 카운티는 내 안에 있기 때문입니다. 



 Sunday, 17 September 2017

A Slice of Life, a Piece of Cake

A Slice of Life, a Piece of Cake ©
Michael Casey

Elaine Polin the NY poet once said to me that what I wrote was a slice of life. Though it’s many years since I darkened her door, we did have some fun when I was on FB, but I’m NOT on FB or anywhere anymore, but a big Hello to her, she’s probably forgotten me by now.

So what do I write? I write short stories, I was even told be a female priest decades ago that she thought it would be my specialty, makes me sound like a fat cook in a greasy spoon cafe. Heart attack on a plate, with ketchup.

I am a vacuum cleaner, or totally vacuous if you are unkind, perhaps I should just change my bag inside, a bit like Kate Bush’s kick inside? Who knows? Do I have total recall, I cannot remember what I have forgot, though there are some things I wish I could and cannot. Memories are things we have to live with, the bad ones, the sad ones can scar us forever, as we all know. My earliest is 53 years old when I was left alone in front of the fire while dad collected mum from the hospital and my new baby sister. I can remember my dad telling me to leave the fire alone.

On other occasions I can remember film like what went on. The proudest moment was when we went on a family Pilgrimage to Lourdes by train. The train stopped and money and tiny bottles of pop were exchanged via the windows. It was very expensive,so expensive that dad handed them back, all 8 bottles. Only he handed back 7. The seller came on the train demanding his final bottle,  unholy uproar ensued.

The entire train swore and cursed and gave two fingers to the hawker. We were 6 kids aged 16 to 3 plus mum and dad. So Holy Uproar as we pulled out the station. Shouts of England will win the World Cup, t was 1966 after all. Other Pilgrims came to our aid with water, cursing the Bloody French. An hour later mum moved her position and plumped up her cushion, only to reveal the missing 8th very expensive pop bottle,it was orange. It was drunk and the bottle thrown out the moving train window. The Bloody French. Two years later my big brother was studying French at Queen’s Oxford. My smaller other brother went on to Downing Cambridge in 1975, to study Economics, maybe the Laws of Supply and Demand.

So there you have it a story from 51 years ago. I can remember racing against the life as I bounced off the walls of the stairwell. My small sister aged 3 refused to take her anorak off even though the temperature soared, this was for the entire week. She later 20 years later, went to France on her year abroad and was able to pick up all the slang going. She even memorized Some Day My Prince Will Come from Snow White. The other teachers were teasing her, what had she done over the weekend in the very small village. So she turned around and sang it to them, the staff room were very impressed and collapsed into laughter. Now 30 years later she is still friends with the English teacher.

So I think La Belle France has forgiven us for the forgotten pop bottle, one brother did study there for a year, and then work in Paris for a year, bilingual was the word. I had my own misadventures in Paris, if I can find the file I’ll add it to my website. Let’s just say 1998 was a very funny year for me.

Which brings us back to the vacuum cleaner. I love stories, dad used to tell us stories over and over again, even if the repertoire was limited, I just hearing them and magnified the love between us as far as I was concerned. So I visited him every single day for 3 years after his heart attack, I did it out of Love, and my siblings loved and visited very often too. I can remember my last ever visit to him on the Tuesday, then 4 days later he asked for another breakfast egg and was dead when the egg arrived.

Our Life, our Love is what makes us, it’s the glue of Family, of any family. That story, this event, makes us laugh, makes us cry with laughter, or just makes us cry. If we cannot cry then have we forgotten the love. I never cried the day mum died, all my siblings did, but mum had said don’t cry so I obeyed her. I can remember all the days events as we gathered around the family home and our broken dad. I can remember my brother digging the flowerbeds, mum’s delights. I can remember sitting behind Mrs M in Sunday Mass as the Canon announced mum’s death, Mrs M was so shocked, she is still alive, now in her 90s.

Memories are there to save us, to help us and to treasure in dark times. That’s why I record everything in my mind and share my stories on the page. And that is why I detest things that destroy the mind, the imagination or the spirit. Lift somebody up don’t knock them down. That night playing on the radio was Celine Dion’s You Lift Me Up, as my family sat up all night they heard that song.

That’s what mum did all her hard working family life, she lifted us all  up. Mum had all the graces dad said, she was as strong as a horse too, which is high praise from a blacksmith, her husband, my dad. So if you wonder where does all my spirit come from though now my body is much weaker, then the answer is from my parents, from mum and dad. For they were Kerry people, its in the breed as dad used to say of things. And Kerry breeds for Love and Happiness and Stories, for though I may be in Birmingham, County Kerry is in me.

Tuesday, 28 December 2021


the Japanese are turning into Birmingham, so here's some boos for them, again

Tuesday, 28 December 2021

The Japanese are turning into Birmingham so here's some books for them, again

The Japanese are turning into Birmingham

Well the Japanese are reading me so hello to you all

I know you found the links the figures here and on Wordpress tell me that

Maybe you all think I'm a Sumo, whatever Glad to meet you

Or maybe Nagasaki has found me too, so hello to all of you

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is 600 pages or so

The ALL file is Altogether Now an omnibus of 11 books all squeezed together

So if you are reading that, then you have half a Sumo of me

JAPANESE Translations on my Wordpress

So 125 Million of you to be Converted to my humour

Osaka hello to you too, we have a friend over there

His son is doing a Gaming Degree

So how about using all my material in some way

I have 2 student daughters who were there a few years ago

So plug in Osaka 

and let

 Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

be a cult in  Japan

Well its nice to dream anyway

That Billionaire who was in space did not send me that clock

I was cheeky enough to ask

I could me a model for Sumo size Kimonos

I'm sure he'll email me soon

Or he could print my poems on Kimonos 

or my words on toilet paper

Or a talking toilet paper dispenser 

So a  Michael Casey story read to you while you pooh

Pooh and learn English with Michael Casey

Though I did suggest that to somebody recently

But no rushing to the toilet in reply


That''s all for today my back is getting better

but still not fully right

my SALTER scales came and we weighed everybody

Including Totoro or cat, 6 kilos of Ninja pussy

As Japan has started to read a lot here are 4 files for them, one is 9/10 book all in one More than a million words translated into Japanese

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The Japanese are turning into Birmingham so here's some books for them, again

The Japanese are turning into Birmingham Well the Japanese are reading me so hello to you all I know you found the links the figures here an...

Monday, 27 December 2021

DUTCH The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker TRANSLATION

European Security Meeting, or Johnny no Friends

Johnny No Friends by michaelgcasey Posted by michaelgcasey 28/01/2023 Posted in Uncategorized Johnny No Friends © By Michael Casey Peter had...