Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Readers, fighting over me, or just running to toilet

Readers. fighting over me, or just running to the toilet?

Well a surge from Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong

are potential speed typists jousting to see who'll be my speed typist

or are they laughing at tragedy like me

Johnny No Friends and so on

even Japan has had a look

and the Stan nations one or too are looking too


feel free to buy a book, buy nobody does

as Internet is free


a ton of stuff to read , half stories , the rest like this

the cold air really does set my Tinnitus off like a fire alarm in the head


Take That are singing behind me, they suffer, my behind

rather singing from another position

I look like a bad Santa today 

I need a shave and a haircut and a bath too

and my daughters want to pluck my eyebrows

but eventually I'll do that



and then make an informed decision

Only Terry Thomas looked immaculate

Like he just stepped out of the bath

google Terry Thomas, yes I'm that old

But straight out of the bath I can pass for 20 years younger

Otherwise you run away from me, and my farts maybe, Ckd

In my head I am 20 and always will be

so be warned

Behave or you might .... my bouncer look

my drunken Russian look

my two ugly sisters, as I call them, ok, we call them the pigs, the daughters, still at school

and yes I'm Shrek

the only award I ever got for writing

I don't want awards, just send money, by buying a book, I have two still student daughters

the jacket you can buy from this donkey, Donkey told me sell it

this is Mandy from The Joker, the story from the other day, go back and read it

Probably AI

She teaches Navy Seals martial arts

and paints pictures of me in her spare time

I pose for her

Where's your imagination?

Try Kdramas on telly, in Korean with English sub-titles

my Val Donican look

my exhausted pussy, after an afternoon Pole Dancing, Totoro is her name she's 9 now

saying it with flowers look

me eating dinner look

this is me with a Rosary, I have many, because I am in much need of prayer

Putin kills Harry Potter


read Daily Telegraph piece

This is PUTIN

let's kill Harry Potter

A law school locally known as harry potter

EVIL is just EVIL

meanwhile the Loonies in Trump's GOP

do nothing


do you want a KING called TRUMP


God Help Us and THE USA

Monday, 29 April 2024

Navy Seal team 6

Navy  Seals Team Six

is it you the OTHERS

reading me

hiding where you are

in the paddling pool

down the road from me

Where the Rolling Stones appeared

60 years ago, at a Swimming Baths

I down't know, you hide your IP

so is it you following me

50 ways to paint a writer

should I be in the nude firsr

like an elephant man

with my hernia

or a silver backed gorilla with my hairy back

or my twerking with my firm tight ass

big enough for target practice

5 miles away with the wind blowing

are you gonna at least gonna tell me

or is has the Pope sent me

you are  under Holy Orders

to give me the Pope's Rosary

as he doesn't want me sneaking into his

closet and coming out with his best Rosary beads

a Newman,  who is my neighbour at the Oratory

and will a lock of my silvery soft hair

be proof

so shall I hurry down the hill in

my Chinese made Russian Policeman's hat

and get a haircut

so you can say you killed me already and 

the lock of hair is proof

BUT really you are my Holy Spirits

looking after me

and who is brave enough to argue with that

so as a bribe

here's something for the wet weekend

Revenge on the Joker©


Michael Casey

So this joker is the worst, so we are going to give him something to remember. Can’t we just kill him and have done with it asked a voice from the darkness, the flash of his blade giving his position away. No, we are going to have fun with him then M will give him something he really really deserves. A bullet between the eyes, asked another hopefully. You Yanks are so brutal said a voice in the ceiling, before descending through an air vent. It’s something big and I know why we all want to do it, but this operation is a British show. Mad Dogs and Englishmen go Out in the Midday Sun and all that, Coward. The Americans bristled. Noel Coward, I should explain. I’ve heard of him, A Talent to Amuse. I found a copy of the book in a toilet when I was on a mission. It was a great book, especially as there was no toilet paper.

First of all we have to spring El Chapo from a Super Max, then he’ll “bake a cake” for us. Then we’ll slip him back inside. Once the cake is ready we deliver it to this Joker. You’ve all seen his photo file. He’s gonna get what he deserve if I might speak American for a moment. And the horse’s head, we’ll be leaving that on his bed. We’ll take photos and post our message, then other Jokers out there will be warned, you don’t mock us ever.

Now breaking into a Super Max is very hard to do, it’s like asking Special Services to sing all the Barry Manilow back catalogue pitch perfect. Obviously the Italian Special Services could do it, as they are all Opera lovers. But the Yanks and the Brits had a plan. They hijacked a tour bus and parked it outside the Super Max. Then they went through the sewers, El Chapo inspired that bit, till they reached the recreation area. They did have a play with the weights, on the way, they are very fit people after all. Then putting their masks on they waited, a hijacked news helicopter gassed the entire facility. LSDEEEEE, in the air, fairies and goblins everywhere. It was such a stroll in the park then. They did take selfies too as they moved about, resisting temptation was the hardest bit, there are some really really nasty people in the Super Max, so to accidentally on purpose snuff a few out was so hard not to do. So instead they ta-tooed them with a rubber stamp, “FBI Informer”, that’d make for great entertainment in the recreation yard. Special Services do have a sense of humour after all.

El Chapo was placed in a body bag and carried away. They left a note sellotaped to the toilet stamped on toilet paper “Back in 24 hours, dead or alive, love and kisses a friend” with a phone number. They left a note saying “Back in 24 hours, dead or alive” because they did not want to get the staff into trouble. It was the Brits who demanded “love and kisses a friend” just as a bit of reassurance. Then they departed, through the front gate in the prison governor’s nice new expensive car. Obviously they trashed the car, they were impressed by the leather seats and DAB hifi. And guess what was playing on the radio? The Barry Manilow hour, they all smiled and left it on, they were off to Italy next so they could sing with the Italian Special Services now.

The governor rang the number once everybody awoke from the drug induced trip. He smiled as a voice replied, the boys are having a bit of fun, the kind of smile you make when the executioner says “this won’t hurt me” as he put the noose around your neck.Now I cannot tell you who answered the phone or he or one of his many many friends might just have to take your cupcakes away. Though some call him the Monk.

El Chapo was put to work, “baking a cake”, he knows so much about mixing and bagging after all. As he was pulled out of a bag, a body bag he realised this was not a family situation. The Special Services are a family, but not the kind El Chapo would like to marry into. So El Chapo was stripped naked and steam cleaned. Then in fresh new whites he was set to work “cooking”.

Meanwhile Blue team was in Italy, again the Brits thought “Blue team” sounded nice. Now all they had to do was steal the Pope’s personal Rosary Beads. Now is this a metaphor? Well we shall see. First of all they climbed over the garden wall which is very tall, you ask Tom Cruise he broke his best finger nail when he did it in one of his films. Then a Brit dressed as Liberace started playing Benedict’s piano, the old Pope was thrilled.They ended up dueting all Barry Manilow’s tunes, good job the Brit had leant them in the Governor’s car.

The other member’s of Blue team stole robes from Benedict’s closet, then processed through the Vatican till they reached Pope Francis’ room.They headed for the bed but it was empty, then in a corner on a camp bed they found Pope Francis, he was not alone. Don Camillo and Totoro was in bed with him. Don Camillo is a book I should add, and Totoro is my cat, she does travel far and wide every night.

We came for your Rosary, Blue team explained, it’s in my trouser pocket over there gestured Pope Francis. I thought you might want to kill me, the world is so mad now. We love you we would never hurt you, as Danny produced a battered plastic Rosary from his own pocket. It’s missing a few beads, it deflected a bullet, so it saved me. The Pope smiled. Here in my desk I have a few Rosaries. So then he passed a few out. Then he Blessed the Rosaries and Blue team. Anything else asked the Pope? Can we have a few more blessed Rosaries? Where shall I send them? Just throw them out your window at Midnight, somebody will catch them. The Pope smiled and went back to reading his Don Camillo, having to hunt Totoro out the way as he got back into his camp bed.

Then they hijacked a plane to get back to England, when Special Services go on a road trip they really do know how to have fun. El Chapo had finished baking the horse’s head. It really was a cake in the design of a severed horse’s head just like in the Godfather. You see while El Chapo was on the run he learnt to bake as a way of passing the time. He had all the Delia Smith books too, maybe one day this writer’s daughter will have a day with Delia, but that is fantasy. As for El Chapo it was his demands for quality baking materials that gave the game away. The FBI tracked down the baker’s needs to where the stuff was being sent, if you like they were following a trail of white powder, baking powder. And that was how El Chapo was caught.

The Special Services all stood back, El Chapo had impressed them, now they impressed him. First they tasered him, then they chipped him, then they tat-tooed him with very rude tats all over his body. If ever he escaped he’ll show up in seconds on satellites, and as for his body, everybody but every would sing at him.They had put the words to Barry Manilow’s Mandy all over his body too, nobody would ever call him El Chapo, they would just sing MANDY to him.

They called UPS and had him delivered to the Super Max, inside the package with him was enough drugs to add 100 years to his sentence. They could have delivered him back themselves but they had other things to do.

So now the end is nigh. The horse’s head and Rosary beads were to be delivered. The Joker as to be pranked. There he was asleep in his bed. As silent snow falling, the horse’s head was placed on the bed with Rosary beads. Then they all screamed. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,JOKER.

The Joker awoke screaming and then fell back with a heart attack, M stepped forward and gave mouth to mouth, M seemed to enjoy it, it went on for half an hour. M was a female Special Services girl. Do you think any special services guy would give me mouth to mouth, I should cocoa, I repeat I should cocoa. So it was left for M to save me. M was a Korean girl, and her name was MANDY. The guys then shot me with those kids’ rubber sucker guns, right between the eyes.

And that’s the first story in my 19th book, I always feel protected, it’s the Rosary beads, or the Special Service watching me from the shadows. And General Mathis if you are reading this how about telling your friends to buy a copy or two. Stay safe all of you everywhere.

You Can’t say that ©

By Michael Casey

Well I found my story down the shop. The trouble is though that I love wit and language, and others don’t, or not as much. So if an American hears this “it’s been 6 weeks since I had a drink and a fag” what does it mean? Over here in England it means “it’s 6 weeks since I had a drink and a CIGARETTE” so immediately we are divided by language. And then you have all the other baggage.

I spotted somebody coming out of the voting place and I said “you must be Nigel’s friend” and immediately he cursed to high Heaven as if he was denying Christ on the night he was taken in. He even said “he found what I said was offensive.” Yes Brexit divides that much, and one trick pony Nigel will have his day when the results are announced tomorrow. Nigel has screamed “FOUL” when asked what are his Policies should he go on to contest National Elections, even though it’s a vital question. I should remind everybody Nigel failed 7 times to get elected in National Elections. I offer no opinion here on Brexit, I’m just stating the obvious, which must be stated. Basically a Political Vacuum allows any form of Populism to appear.

I don’t want to dwell on this, let’s keep it light. When Rich came back to work when his dad died 35 years ago the lads did not know what to say. I just told him he looked like the cartoon on the Kellogg’s Rice Crispy box. He was wearing a handkerchief around his neck. So this broke the ice. Then we got back to reality. When my mother died, and then my dad nearly died just 8 weeks later it was my turn to get support from the lads. So I know it’s good to show friendship.

Another example is when people don’t know what to say, so it’s best to say “give us a hug” human contact, a hug really does help. That is why instinctively we touch somebody we like. Silence may be Golden after an argument, or we bite our tongue, I have too much experience of that as well.

One example is a bad boss you put up with because you have toddlers and need to feed them, whereas the boss is all talk, and no action, just hides in the Concierge room. Or another boss is about to punch you after a failed night shift, when the team leader goes home “sick” and you are left with the pieces and this particular boss to face in the morning. And yes I really did have to restrain this boss, I have very good grip after years of screwing magnetic tapes onto computer tape readers, one finger on my right hand is even bent slightly inward. I’m not just a smile and 1000words, and the lads I worked with were amongst the best in the world, and great characters too.

Speaking of lads, you cannot say “I Love You” to the lads they would laugh, and stand with their backs to the wall. Yes people used to be that non PC, everybody is more open compared to 40 years ago. The lads would just say give us a beer, and whisper in your ear, we all know and we all don’t care, so long as you get the beers in. It’s all about equality, tolerance is the wrong word. Life is all about equality. It’s about gay, straight, black, white, green, faith or no faith accepting each other. Which is why I think UK is the best place to be as we get on, most of the time.

I was classed as the strange one because when I worked Sundays I’d use my lunch break to dash to a church for Mass, none of the lads had any formal faith. Beer was their faith, as it was for our lodgers. It’s when people don’t practice what they preach that we get problems. The trouble is the Twitter world, people just don’t listen, life has no depth on Twitter, Everybody just reads the headlines. As I’ve said before I browse on 3 national newspapers daily plus BBC and SKY. So we all need a bit of depth.

Fast food and fast life, leads to shallow life. Stop and sit and watch New Amsterdam on tv, it always makes me cry, and the ensemble acting really does deserve an Emmy. Now I’m finishing on a fictional hospital show, based on a book I believe. My point is that in this show you have people at their best, doing their best. How Can I Help is the catch phrase so to speak. My favourite character is a bear of a man, who is a Dr and the Shrink. He is also gay, what really shines through is his compassion, he is a giant teddy bear who loves to help. And that is what I’d like to be remembered as, somebody whose words help. Who brings laughter to the screen in front of you all, you might think I look stupid, is he gay or what? No, I’m a boring straight guy, who may never get discovered, not even by a Korean Kpop girl singer. I’m just being read on the toilet by some Russian guy while he waits for his constipation to end, and then he can drive Putin to meet Trump.

Ignorance is Bliss ©

By Michael Casey

I will not believe until I put my hands in his wounds

Here place your hands in my wounds

Now I believe

Better to believe and have Faith rather than wait, have trust

The earth rotates around the Sun

Galileo Galilei should be locked up for heresy

The moon is made of cheese

Neil Armstrong faked it

At least the trains ran on time under Mussolini

It’s all lies about Hitler and the Jews

Assad loves everybody, he gassed nobody,

he’s a doctor he’d never hurt anybody

Car exhausts never hurt anybody, they are just stupid kids anyway

Smoking is cool, that’s why it’s in all the 1950s films

Radiation does not hurt

Sunshine is good for you, get a tan

Some meds give you great tans as a side effect, so take meds

Eat fat and don’t exercise you won’t have a heart attack

It’s all a lie to punish farmers

Speed does not kill, let people drive as fast as they like

Guns don’t kill, let everybody have a gun and an assault rifle too

Why shouldn’t I have 10,000 rounds of ammo in my house

Why should I lock ammo and guns away separately

The 3 year old deserved to have its face blown off by a 5 year old

It’s my right, there were just stupid toddlers

I can talk on the phone and ignore my kids playing in the kitchen

It’s not my fault I they scald themselves, I warned them once, 3 years ago

Arms races don’t cause wars, selling arms is great for the economy

Pollution does not kill

Global warming does not exist

Who cares if a few islands in the Pacific disappear,

they are only small anyway

It’s great to have more sunshine

It only snows in the Rockies, it’s great for the skiers anyway

A bit of wind is good, it blows the cobwebs away

Vaccinations are BAD, they make you sick

Measles is no big deal anyway

Bill Gates is a fool wasting all his money on vaccinations for poor countries

Poor Countries don’t matter, what did they do for ME anyway

I could have sold him Manhattan at half the price


Now a commission to prove The Earth is Flat

Will USA finally wake up to the total ARROGANCE of IGNORANCE?

It really is heart breaking that a Fool is in charge of USA

People all say yes, for Power, whatever happened to Love of Country?

The Fool has taken over, and nobody has done anything

Every day is a wasted day

A lie if you repeat it often enough is believed

But rather everybody is deceived

Liar, Liar burn in Fire

Everybody must run to defend the TRUTH and the Planet Itself

So let’s all run BONE SPURRS permitting and Defend Planet Earth

Or are you going to sit it out, while others go to war to save our Home, Earth


 The Final Cut of the 19th Hole by Michael Casey 
buy on Amazon

Friday, 26 April 2024

from 7 years ago, ITCH

Wednesday 6 December 2017

How to get to Old Forge And Singing Anvil


From the Author

From Harry Potter to Old Forge and Singing AnvilBy Michael CaseyHow do you get somewhere? You open your door and walk down the street, you may be going shopping for sugar, or you may be popping into church for a chat with God.You could be feeling lucky and go to Stanley Racing to have a 50p bet, at least smoking is banned now.To catch the train to Hogworts in Harry Potter you go to platform 9 ¾ and then away you go on a journey. The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is set in Old Forge and Singing Anvil which is a magical place somewhere in the Black Country. So how do you get there? Well its easy, you just go to the pub. The Bear Tavern just 5 mins away from where I'm talking to you. Before you go inside the Bear just pop into the pharmacy and buy a big bottle of perfume, as an apology to your girl. Inside The Bear you ask for 17pints and packet of cheese and onion crisps. The crisps will soak up the 17pints. If you don't like alcohol or 17 pints is too much then just have 17 pints of cola. There is no time limit. Once the 17pints have been drunk and you've finished picking your teeth you are free to leave.Outside your head will spin at first, but in seconds, you'll wonder where you are as the familiar Bearwood Rd will have disappeared and as for the bear's head and the stone carved bears' heads on top of the Bear Tavern all will have vanished. Then your head stops spinning and you are on a different street of shops, you are on, well I cannot tell you the name of the street you have to read the book. You are though standing outside The Trader and now all 17pints and the cheese and onion crisps are forgot so you go inside for a drink, just one. The Trader is a real ale bastion in fact Camra just put "I cried" in its listing, it was that good. Wayne the landlord has a secret in the cellar, it's a stash of 40 or even 60 year old malt whisky. He stumbled over the hidden stash when he was renovating his pub,Now if you like your cafes then there is one just down the road from the Trader, Mark and Gillian got fed up of working in 5 stars, they wanted to see their diners, so they came back home to Old Forge and Singing Anvil where they set up shop, or rather opened a café. Yes you can park your wagon and get a great bacon butty, Big Sid provides the meat and Patrick provides the bread. However with all their skill you are eating Michelin standard food in a small back street of Old Forge and Singing Anvil. This is just a peek of Old Forge and Singing Anvil, home to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker. All you need is imagination and 17 pints of lager and one packetof cheese and onion crisps.end

About the Author

Well I'm fat, almost tall and I have silver coloured hair. You can see for yourself on the book covers. I wear shades because I need them they are not a pose, do I look like the kind of person who poses?
I have a Shanghai wife and 2 bilingual daughters, laughter is a big theme in our house, it stops the wife form nagging me. The term the wife is an old fashioned term that I like so I use it, its from British comedians from a different era. I try and write comedy/comic pieces as I'd rather make you laugh or at least smile instead of causing you pain. I do reserve the right  to make you think too, or try at any rate.
Writing is all about trying to influence people without the use of substances, touch their heart or influence their mind, and maybe steal a bit of their money and get them to buy all 5 of my Ebooks. So much for the theory, I'm a much fatter version of Gangham Style and see what happened to him.

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European Security Meeting, or Johnny no Friends

Johnny No Friends by michaelgcasey Posted by michaelgcasey 28/01/2023 Posted in Uncategorized Johnny No Friends © By Michael Casey Peter had...