Thursday, 30 April 2020

May is the Month of Mary

May is the Month of Mary

in the morning it is May


May  is the Month of Mary

if you are a catholic you'll remember it being said

In a couple of weeks time it marks the 24th Anniversary of

my mother's death

But she said don't cry when I die, so I never did

In Covid times we could all curl up and die

or just give up Hope

None of us of any Faith or None should ever do that

My Mother taught me many things

she ever taught me to read via the Chipper cartoon in the newspaper

She would be spinning those Rosary beads like crazy

at this very moment in our Shared World History

She's be sprinkling her Holy Water everywhere

She would never never never surrender to despair

comb your hair and wash your face

Give yourself a kick up the backside

And Fight, would be her answer

We must keep all our spirits going

We must not abandon all our dreams

We will walk in the Sunshine again

We will Laugh and Chat again

There will be a bright tomorrow

Just say the Rosary, or Pray 5 times a day, or whatever way you pray

Or just curse Covid, whatever brings relief

Covid is just a thief of our Times

When the time is ready, we can dance in the streets

And I'll be there dancing too

So Who will dance with me

Practice indoors, but prepare and get ready

For dancing in the street

Even if you have two left feet


In Arabic All Together Now

In Arabic All Together Now

As a “punishment” during Lockdown I’ve decided to share the Arabic translation of
Altogether Now which is a massive omnibus, nearly 1,000,000 words in my Original
English. So what have you done to deserve this “punishment”.
 I’ve spotted Arab readers
all over the Arab world reading my rubbish, so here’s something meaty to read.
Arabs in UK and USA all read my stuff too, 
so it’s for all Arabs wherever you may be now
30/April/2020  and when Covid is beaten, you can all come to Birmingham and  the rest of UK to enjoy our weather and British hospitality, just bring your dollars, for as you all know England is a Nation of Shopkeepers , and we will be ready for business.
By the way the original title of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker was in fact
A Nation of Shopkeepers but I changed it 30 years ago.
So Here are 3 word files in Arabic
So you will get :- The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker
                             300 and Not OUT
and                     Altogether Now
if you want the English, my Original English then Amazon is the place to go.
Please just pray for me once, when you pray 5 times a day
and maybe you’ll all visit Birmingham and the UK in the near Future

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

When Shakespeare met the Vampires

When Shakespeare met the Vampires ©
Michael Casey

As I said before the morn broke, on yester eve, my offspring were partaking of a Tale on the magic flickering theatre box, tv in common parlance. So as the dawn has broken I will relate a Tale inspired by the Originals and how they spake like Shakespeare, to my own very ears that is.

Let us begin. O you upon the balcony, what is thy purpose, are you afte perchance a thief or a knave, or an escaped slave. You came to wash the windows? But where is thy bucket, or is it hidden in thy mighty codpiece?
Do not dally, go fetch a pale of water, and should thou meet Jake and Jill, tell them to hurry. Now with that boy gone I shall tell you the gist of the Tale. There are strange creatures abroad, they dost say they live in the darkest of the night and make merry, no not Students, but strange strange people who have exceedingly bright teeth, as white as virgin snow. And thou dost know how hard it is to come upon a virgin in this city, and as for snow, Ha, I repeat Ha, it never snows in Old Forge and Singing Anvil.

The leader of the Teeth as they are called is a man called Bert, yes Bert is how his mother did Christen him, Bert, it was to have been Gilbert, but gills sound too fishy, and it was for lack of a fish head that the bastard was born. As thou will remember fishes’ bits were used to prevent unwanted births. Brook Street had not yet been invented, it was still just a puddle filled back passage, before the Future arrived. But back to the tale, the Teeth as they were called were bold strong men that hung out together, yes very early Body Builders, who always wore deep red lipstick, or so it would seem. Perchance when I awoke from my reverie in the mist of the night, to use the chamber pot, I overfilled my chamber so I had to throw it out the window. It was then that I saw a man below, he was all red mouthed, I just thought he was a local rent boy, and I nearly waved and  said garde de l’eau below, but I did not. For on the floor by his feet was a very very pale maiden, her neck and bosoms exposed, and her neck was blood soaked. I had in the middle of the night come upon such a dreaded sight. The Teeth had bitten and a faire maiden had been bitten, and her blood been drained from her. So, I bit my tongue, and waited for the Teeth to depart, while I held in a fart, then I caste my po, because I was in dire need of it again. So, the fallen maiden was blessed with a po full of my pee, by me Will Shakespeare, consecrated from above, by a shower of water, not blessed, just expelled not heaven sent, just from a window above, without any love.

In the morrow without any sorrow I emptied my po again, and when I looked to see was the maiden still fallen, and perhaps was she still available, her bosoms did methinks were so inviting. There was naught to be seen, maybe it was all a dream, but it would be and could be inserted into a tale, inserting a maiden always makes good theatre after all, I am Will Shakespeare after all. So, I went about my business, sharpening my quills, which is always a cure for all ills for Writers such as I. Besides the Tavern, the Horse Trader had yet to open, so I sharpened my quills, as I watched my maid shake my paliass, though I must confess I dost enjoy her paliass more than my own, especially when dear Ann is away.

I was on the lookout for a tart, Greggs Olde Bakery was and still is the best, but I was wont for a strumpet, as I had great need filling my codpiece, and besides I needed a boy to play that strumpet. Not that I have inklings for boys, but you see we have to have boys playing maidens, as the Queen does not allow ladies to play ladies, she is the Queen and does not want any competition. Queen Rules OK. So unbroken boys dress as strumpets and ladies and all sorts of the female gender, where is the equity of it all, it seems all balls to me.

So I came upon Bert in the dark, the inn keeper refuses to use more candles, so it’s always dark, it’s frightening whom one couldest bump into. Then Bert opened his lips and I was dazzled, his teeth were so amazingly white, I was stunned, but I recklessly asked how he managed to get his teeth so white. Perchance a triffle I could buy the wife to keep her happy, a white teeth maker. Bert explaineth to me he had a friend from over the border, what Birmingham I asked, no a bit higher, not Wolverhampton. And we continued with said game till he explained over the Wall, the other side of Hadrian. Now Hadrian was a fat bastard, he really was fat and a bastard to boot, so I looked past Hadrian at the bar. Bert smiled and nearly blinded me in the process. No, he explained, not past that bastard Hadrian stood at the bar, but over the wall, Hadrian’s Wall into Scotland, the land of the men is skirts.

I was immediately interested then, men in skirts would be perfect to act in my plays. Bert explained his friend MacClean helped him with his teeth, after he had eaten him his teeth had forever been so bright and white. Little did I know that Bert did not mean eat but eat, you see Bert was a Vampire. But I was intrigued, if I could meet some more of the Clan MacClean then I’d have a source of actors to play the strumpets in my plays, like wot I wrote yesterday as Ernie Wise used to say, before he ran away with a sailor in Morecambe.

So Bert and I tarried in the bar, Falstaff came with the food,  he was such a fool, I said I’d put him in a play if he gave me more ale, so the fool did, and I will stick him in a play if my name is William Shakespeare. Through I have to leave my mark on parchment just for the record, so I always sign Michael Casey let that fat silver haired writer who hides in the shade, get the Kings Men chase him when I leave for London at the weekend, he can pay my bar bill, my civil bar bill, or should I reverse it, the bar bill of civil, methinks that could be a good title for something. I’ll file it in my codpiece for later.

That night as the cock crowed, as it’s neck was being strangled for crowing at a such an ungodly hour, before being put in a pot, cock in a pot is a verily a great  disk in these parts, put  your cock in my pot is a much heard refrain, not just from cooks but ladies of the night around here. Bert appeared in a flash, his codpiece was loose, too much weight being carried within. With him was a man past Hadrian, a Scots man, a man in a skirt. So, I proposed he appeared in one of my plays, and did he mind kissing me, and as I demonstrated, the man in a skirt kissed me back. A Glasgow kiss, or head butt to those who do not know, a Glasgow kiss is a head shattering head butt, the men past Hadrian may wear skirts but they were definitely all men, and as their kilts swirled I can attest definitely ALL MAN. But for a good bottle or Irn Bru they’d dress in all a girl’s finery and appear in my latest play. Measure for Measure, which was all about drinking, or so I told the Devil in a Kilt. The Scot told me he’ll accept all this carry on, so long as I left his kyber alone.

Bert smiled and dazzled us both, then he flew away after turning into a bat, he said his friend Bruce, another Scot was making the dinner, dina dina Batman.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

How to Spread Covid 19 everywhere

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

How to Spread Covid 19 everywhere

How to Spread Covid 19 everywhere

take a group of people from all over the country

gather them in a small space together for a few hours

then send them away back all over  the country

wait as they mingle and spread

in their own back yard

then you have a 2nd wave

killing millions more

So why is Donald Trump having his West Point celebration

So he can kill his future leaders

And why haven't all the current and past leaders


The Commander in Chief is the commander in thief of LIVES

Is everybody so busy writing their book

That they won't speak out, today and LOUDLY

And if this latest court case goes the wrong way

USA really will have a King, without ACCOUNTABILITY

and the mystic who said Trump will be the last president will be right

Because so called leaders are behaving like sheep ready for slaughter

No wonder the rest of the world looks on in despair

and have a nice day as they say in USA

Monday, 27 April 2020

And what was the most stupid thing you ever did ?

And what was the most stupid thing you ever did ? ©
Michael Casey

And what was the most stupid thing you ever did ? I just asked my kids as I waved 2 fingers at them. Why 2 fingers, well the reason for that relates to what was the most stupid thing I ever did. You see around Guy Fawkes night, when we have fireworks in UK, I actually held a banger and let it explode in my hand.  There was nothing at first and then a rush of heat and pain, and that’s why I only have 2 fingers left on one hand. Our dog Lassie ate the charcoaled digits, but after a day they came out her rear end and the vet or was it surgeon was able to reattach them. So, my fingers are very well travelled, exploded off my hand, eaten by a dog called Lassie and poohed out a day later, then reattached. And if that isn’t stupid then nothing is.

Though part of that tail or is it tale is a lie, which part? I did in fact hold a banger in my fist, encouraged by D, he knows who he is, and the banger did explode. Luckily my hand and my life were not damaged forever. The bit about a dog and pooh and a vet sewing back my digits I added for colour. So, this 4th of July or whatever celebration you have do not even think of doing what I did.

I did it 50 years ago and more, before fireworks, or fire crackers as they are called in USA were more like ordinance that Marines use in conflict. So, don’t be crackers and ever even think of being as stupid as I was then. Or I’ll give you the finger, you’d only be able to give me one finger back in return, as all the rest of your digits will be blown off if ever you were as stupid as I was.

This was before I discovered books and fear of my Teacher Mr Gallagher, which led to be becoming a reader, and ultimately the Writer wagging his finger at you, and thank God I still have all of my fingers. So that was my confession, what do you want to confess? Or has the priest already battered you with an old Bible for being such a dirty little bastard, and banned you from church. So, you go off and regret your past, then years later you return to the church as a priest, and the old priest retires. You do of course hear the old priest’s confession and you in turn batter him with an old Bible, and call him a dirty bastard. Life is a  circle after all. And what was the old priest’s failing? It was your very own. He had got drunk on the altar wine when the big match was on tv, and a penalty shootout had taken place, so he drunk the altar wine, to celebrate.
And will God forgive, him and you? You are both priests now, and yes God will forgive 77 x 7 times.

But it’s always best if Stupidity is avoided, so think before you act, and wait till tomorrow, because a good decision is always best slept on. Though if it’s a girl, she’s best slept with, today, tomorrow and always. Especially if her pet name for you is STUPID.

just some of my 8000 pages , new old look for my Wordpress

Just some of my 8000 pages by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

this is what you'll see if you try my Wordpress,
 it was actually my Birthday photo a few years ago.

I've changed the description so you can imagine just how much there is to read.

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Public Opinion

Public Opinion ©
Michael Casey
I was wondering what to talk about, as ever, when I decided to choose this, but before I continue I need you all to find Linkedin Profile and CV, a piece from a few years ago and read that first, you may even find it on my Typepad so you can listen to me instead. Ok, I’ll assume you just read that, so basically it charts lies on Cvs and Profiles, maybe lies is too strong a word, but if you have just read it for yourself then you get the context.

Now what is Public Opinion? It’s a group of guys in a bar saying what they’d like to do to the new barmaid, which probably dates back 1000 years, the statements, not just the age of the bar. The wench moves forward seductively a tankard of ale in one hand, her other is behind her back. Quickly she reveals the hidden hand and puts the red hot poker on the loudmouths thigh, he screams and she pours the ale all over his leg. Now that is how to answer public opinion, it could have been worse if the loudmouth was Edward II, if you know your History.

So Public Opinion is what people think in large numbers, starting with small groups hanging around in bars, which hasn’t changed in 1000 years, and we all know about Prince Hal and Falstaff, Henry IV Part I and all that, which I did back in 1975. The prince was worthless boy hanging around in bars, and not taking up his mantle. But he proved them all wrong. We had Churchill and his Wilderness years, but cometh the hour cometh the man.

So Public Opinion is not set in stone it is a very fickle thing and is subject to influence and people will pay a lot of money to influence people, to gain sales, or gain Power. In Politics the Master would go about the bars buying a few drinks in the hope of gaining those votes, as Time progresses the few drinks convert to a factory here, a hospital there, a new road, in essence a bribe. Not that those things are not needed nor have worth of their own, but suddenly they appear so that votes are gained and the Master keeps his power. The thing about Power is that it is transitory, and even Churchill was voted out after the war, so don’t assume anything.

Public Opinion is measured in many ways, but remember too a sample of 1000, really isn’t good enough, a sample of 10,000 is bigger and better, and the best sample of all is the Election, however time and money does not allow for that all of the time. Though with technology you could have a people’s vote on everything all of the time. But for Government you chose a team and let them get on with it for 4 or 5 years. But they do take the temperature to see how they are doing. Or Newspapers scream at them, the Press can have its own agenda depending on who owns the Press, and that’s why it’s always best to read widely, then you are well balanced, I could mention the barmaid again, but that’d encourage a red hot poker so I won’t.

Public Opinion is swayed by campaigns, some newspapers call themselves Campaigning Newspapers, or pain in the butt for Politicians. Then there are uprisings coming from public dissatisfaction, but if you follow the money you’ll see this Billionaire or that Billionaire paid for the Teeshirts they are all wearing. Even Protests have a Sponsor, so think for yourself and really do watch 3 news outlets from all directions, as One Direction may be a good band, but Politically you don’t want to be stuck on a style, not unless his name is Harry and you are that barmaid, no need of hot poker.

Character counts, so Politicians pretend to be one thing so they can ride public opinion, sometimes they treat the Public like donkeys, when they stink like elephants. A man can cheat on his wife or wives and have a string of encounters,
But so long as they hate the other guy or woman more, then the public will swallow anything. Instead of Bible bashing horror, there is jealousy and a desire they had as many girls in their beds, how the Politician avoided the hot pokers nobody knows, but he’s a good old boy, so they’ll vote for him. Besides he has a Bible on his bookshelf, not that he could even recite the Lords Prayer, the Public just wants change, besides they hate the arrogant self-absorbed other guy more.

Nearer Elections Public Opinion really does matter, as you want to keep the Power and all it’s trapping. So you hog the limelight in briefings, especially when you want to keep the herd following you, but if you are immune to the herds’ feelings and say “they are not worth my time” let them drink disinfectant, which is the new Let Them Eat Cake mantra, you may find they finally stop voting for you, especially if they are dead after drinking disinfectant.

The Public can be fooled, and a Castle glimmering on a Hill, may in reality be just a façade, but back then there was Hope, but now there is a guy doing rope a dope. So, in the end you, me, everybody has to think for themselves. This guy who wants to be a leader, is he a concealer? Do you know has he ever paid any tax, like the rest of us with 3 jobs to keep afloat. Is he really super rich, or are his finances in a ditch, mortgaged to several foreign governments, does he spend all his time denying everything, “I take no responsibility” hiding his total lack of ability. Is he as honest as the day is long, or does he just spend his time watching his own reviews on tv, Glory Be.

Churchill said “All forms of Government are Bad, but Democracy is the Least Bad” so when we vote, it is our own private opinion on how our Politician has acted in Public. We are paying him to take responsibility and do the People’s bidding, to look after us, especially in bad times, in sad times, and not to rant and rave and save his own bacon, he is our hog. If he cannot do the job he should be voted out, and have that red hot poker of Public Opinion placed where it can do the most good, Edward II does come to mind…

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Typos and all that

Typos and all that

Yes there are a few as I type very fast, and I don't  rewrite

42 years a typist now, my handwriting though is like a spider on acid

I sit I think I write I post I secure

and that takes 1 hour to write/talk to you  then 30 mins for security and posting

when I have 100+ stories I collate and you get a book.

If you've followed me you might think one thing and then another

Such as I had a triple bypass, and its states that in some places

read bio in side bar

However 6 months after I had it I was told 4 grafts hence QUADRUPLE,

prior to Op I told them to tell me nothing or I'd  puke, I awoke saying I'm still


so if you dip in one place you read one thing but later you see another

So some may think incorrectly I'm a Liar, hence the photos of my chest

or I might just be trying to entice that Korean speed typist to come and type

and then fall in love and have 4 kids and form a Kpop band or martial arts school

Maybe the Dear Leader's sister in North Korea jumps ship and ends up here in

Birmingham with Yoona too, so they fight over me.

Perfect Kdrama story in itself.

Love of stories is international, though some may say the Irish do it best, and my

parents are from County Kerry Ireland after all

So enjoy all 1,600,000 words I've achieved so far, it's great for my spirits to see

80 countries all over the world reading me, and up to 10 different languages on

the same day. So a heartfelt thank you. I'd still like to be rewarded, if only so I

can share the treasure, but having Covid19 disappear is the greatest treasure the

entire world wants.

Besides like I said maybe only foreigners like me, so why should they spend

 money on my Original English.

It's nice too when I spot an old story being read, so I reread it and sometimes it

really touches me because I'd forgotten that story. I'm intrigued too why it

appeals in whatever country is reading it. My comedy drama novel,

all 600 pages of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker seems to work

anywhere, so that's nice. And just in case you are a Muslim reading this tonight

remember to pray for me at least once when you pray 5 times a day, as I used to

ask my students when I taught at an Islamic school

So I'll go to bed now, live laugh and pray to all of you

God is Good, as my catholic mother always used to say


Friday, 24 April 2020

everybody open a window

Everybody open a window

Everybody open a window
It’s too quiet
One of the nicest things to hear is Prayer sung
So open a window and let your neighbours hear you sing
I’ve heard Muslim prayers while  teaching  ESOL English at an Islamic school
I’ve heard a lifetime of Christian Hymns from my own sister
I’ve heard a Shona choir raise the roof
And there are many  songs sungs by many many Faiths
Not to mention drunks coming home singing a song
Singing is our Spirits dancing in praise of God, or us just being happy
There is too much silence amongst all the Covid19
So breakout in song, open the window and get your entire area singing
We may not be able to get out  but our voices and our prayers can
So enough of this silence, we can have choirs on balconies
We can rejoice we are alive, Sing Something Loudly and Proudly
Covid19 can never destroy our Spirit
Just keep on Singing and Smiling, sing to the stars
Wherever you are in the world
And today Australia, Cambodia, Egypt, USA,South Africa, Singapore, USA, France
were just some of the places reading me.
But don’t just read me, Sing for Family, Sing for your  Smiling Face
Sing for the Human Race

Inside a book

Inside a Book ©
Michael Casey

Well Jeff Bezo was in the news, news not nude, you all have one track minds, he donated to help bricks and mortar book shops here in UK, so God Bless him for that. And because I read that headline you are getting this, so blame him, he had done it anonymously but it slipped out, STOP, I know where your minds are going just stop and behave, or beehive if you’ve seen Nanny McFee. So, I was thinking about Books and what it must be like, from the inside.

I love it when I’m being read, all open and people turning my pages, or rather that one special person who picked me up from a shelf in a book store and read my back and then smiled and ruffled my pages. It’s all so very romantic having your pages ruffled, then being held against a chest as the Reader is so happy to have discovered me. Trump’s guide to Honest and Integrity. Or maybe Michael Casey’s The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker, until they read it and think it’s a load of old cobblers, and I don’t mean like a shoemaker either.

So, you are sniffed and stroked, perfect foreplay for any new book, perhaps Bezo should add a scent feature to his Kindle, a new book has a feel and smell, and the pages are tight, and have to be smoothed down. But today’s books don’t have large type, just small small print as it’s easier to produce, maybe Jeff should add a magnifying glass stuck to the back, or invent a projector device that castes the pages to the ceiling. Well curled up in bed with a good book with the cat too, the ceiling is the best place to read words. And should your lover arrive the book isn’t squashed as it’s being projected and protected to the ceiling from its spot on the bedside cabinet.
How do the words feel inside the book? The cover can be embossed and it’s like a blind man feeling for lumps on your face. Then there may be a dust cover that is ever so brightly coloured, but it can be discarded like a dressing gown to reveal itself in all its glory, once satisfied the dust cover returns. Maybe Bezo can add a few tricks to a Kindle so it’s like the curtain being raised at a theatre before each chapter. Blurring the boundaries between book and film, in a tiny tiny way. Feel free to reward me Jeff.

What about the words on a page, the font really is ever so important, as I’ve said recently Amiri font in my new favourite font, and writers think a lot about what and how their words appear on a page. Maybe some words in the middle of a page should be embossed, like hills and hillocks, or maybe just those words, so you have a more interactive sense of the words on the page. Cartoons or Illustrations are of great use, and if I could draw I’d have one cartoon per story or per chapter, my daughters did do drawings for 2 of my first books, the cover art. If only I could bribe or persuade them to do more, hey Jeff how did you Bezo your kids into helping you? See I turned you into a verb, almost parity with Google. As you read all this I am Michaeling you, which is where I make you laugh despite or is it because of the bemusement.

So, the pages turn and the story unfolds, the cartoon of Winnie the Pooh where the pages appear and Pooh slides through them was my original starting thought as I started talking, but as ever I’ve Michaeled myself, so you have a different strand of thought. I was going to write how words feel, but I may come back to that another time, there’s always more in the soup. You could have scents, appear as a chapter ends and so one, like the old cinema where you squeezed a scent at various points in the film, that was a very long time ago now. Interactive books, and you sell refills for books. And why do we need all these tricks and addons? Because people lack imagination maybe, because they are use to TV, with too many adverts, which actually spoil the story, hence Streaming Tv takes over, as you avoid ads.

A tv show will die if it doesn’t have a good pace to it, people want quick fixes. But with a book it’s a slow build love affair, the cast is introduced and you get to know them, and hate them especially if it is a book you are forced to read for English Literature. Read the book at least twice first before the English Teacher instils hatred for life for the text. Don’t judge a book by its cover either, especially mine, I put my photo on them so you know who to blame, and because there are several Michael Casey’s I am of course the most original one. No smirking I know what you are thinking already, of course I do, I’m writing this sentence, so whatever you are thinking only my opinion is on the page. See Writers are power mad, FOOLS.

The ending of a book ties up all the strands, as we are told a book should have a beginning a middle and an end. It can annoy as well, you didn’t get the ending you hoped for. In K-drama there are many many twists and turns and the quality is so high, 16 hours is the norm, and why are Koreans so rich and good looking? In a book you have 10 hours to get people’s attention, or 20 hours for The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker as it’s 600 pages. So, people will read your words in sessions, and you have to hope they carry on reading. Reading is a more intimate experience, it’s one on one, like love making. So, the writer gets to influence the reader and can touch them emotionally, with a good story you can excite, entertain, scare, bring hope, bring fear. But in the end you can also bring tears of joy.

The day I first finished the book it was Leap Years Day 1988, and I cried as I finished up the story and wound myself up to write it, I knew I’d finish on Leap Year’s Day, so I was excited and happy. I’d actually written a full lenghth book, on a typewriter perched on a stool while I sat on a broken-backed barn chair.

The original typescript on actual paper was 238 pages, but I wanted to put it on a computer so I started to copy type it, which was boring, so I expanded the story, and that’s what you all read now. The book from a couple of years later. The last word in the book is there for a reason, for it signifies Hope, and much more, you need read it for yourself. Thousands of you have via my Wordpress in multiple languages, up to 10 different languages on the same day. And if you want my Original English it is on Amazon, just look for my silly face.

Inside a book, is more than words on a page, you are inside the writer’s head, or the story in his head. It’s the difference between looking at a cover, and what is beneath the covers. So, tonight and every night curl up with something nice beneath the covers, and I hope it is not a book, but a book is the 2nd best.

European Security Meeting, or Johnny no Friends

Johnny No Friends by michaelgcasey Posted by michaelgcasey 28/01/2023 Posted in Uncategorized Johnny No Friends © By Michael Casey Peter had...