Monday 22 June 2020

Spike here in the uk at 7pm

Spike here in the uk at 7pm

so did your teacher insist you all read my stuff

were you all punished that badly

Miss, can you just cane us

Whatever reason you all piled in, here in UK

Thanks for coming

and yes all the Translations are there to spread the word

maybe foreigners find me first

then UK finds me

Anyway its late, and I'm off to bed soon to listen to Tinnitus

and my bedside smart speaker. I stumbled over Tribit  and I

think they are the absolute best, for my budget.

But everybody's ears are different

So thanks for the home crowd for arriving en mass tonight

And yes where I grew up gave me the source material for

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

and a lot of the stories are true

so if you know my face from 30 years ago and more then

you'll know the stories too

But it's the way I tell them and sew them together that makes it work

In the end The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is about a

family, the street of shops,and families are what they are

You may even spot yourself if or know somebody like that

In the end it's all about Love and a great big Melting Pot

you know the song.But it's not posy and stuck up, people do and say

what people do and say. BUT WITH COMEDY.

Ok, I may write a proper story story tomorrow, but do try the novel

Russia and Germany are reading it tonight

It does start slowly, but 600 pages is a good read, to make you laugh and cry

and yes I cried on 29th Feb 1988, Leap Year's Day when I first finished typing it.

It was 238 pages then I think, but I wanted it on a computer so I copy  typed it a few years later, but as copy typing is so boring, I ended up increasing the story almost 3 fold.

that's all for tonight, and God really Bless the Kpop crowd for stuffing Trump's meeting.  He really is so arrogant and is a cancer to USA, so register, vote, and plan on taking 10 friends to vote on voting day, especially in the states that count.  And more Big People in USA should be standing up for the Little People, not just waiting for their Book Deals to come out. And the Mooch, if you read this, or Katy Kay, send me some left over ray bands, large size.

Somebody in USA reads my stuff almost as soon as I hit Publish, not unless it's Trump. And Snoop Dog if it's you, here's a word you should never use, The T word, Trump. In the future Snoop Dog will use the T word, and that will be the worse curse word you can use, period. As the say in USA.

the T word, you know I'm right, now go say your prayers Snoop, and tuck you kids in. Or I'll use the T word on you, bet you're crying now.

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Playing a Round with Donald Trump

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 162 countries so far